FREE [CITY NAME] Area Masterclasses

FREE [CITY NAME] Area Masterclasses

Big government creates big loopholes and even bigger
advantages for savvy investors in [CITY NAME]

Big government creates big loopholes and even bigger
advantages for savvy investors in [CITY NAME]

For over 300 years, money managers, financial institutions and sophisticated investors have been buying tax lien certificates while keeping the average investor in the dark. But, those same opportunities are now open to residents of [CITY NAME]!

For over 300 years, money managers, financial institutions and sophisticated investors have been buying tax lien certificates while keeping the average investor in the dark. But, those same opportunities are now open to residents of [CITY NAME]!


We've purchased over $40 million of tax liens. At the event, you’ll learn to use the same system, even if you’ve never invested in real estate!


We all want better returns on our investments. Make 10%, 16%, 18%, 24%, 30%...and even more! Find out how you can use your retirement account to invest as well.


We’ll unlock access to inventory you didn’t know existed without talking to a single seller.


We've purchased over $40 million of tax liens. At the event, you’ll learn to use the same system, even if you’ve never invested in real estate!


We all want better returns on our investments. Make 10%, 16%, 18%, 24%, 30%...and even more! Find out how you can use your retirement account to invest as well.


We’ll unlock access to inventory you didn’t know existed without talking to a single seller.

“I’d love to invest in real estate, but I don’t have the time, resources, team or talents to make it work.”

“I’d love to invest in real estate, but I don’t have the time, resources, team or talents to make it work.”

Here’s a secret... the largest banks, institutions, and insurance companies have all said the same thing!

Seasoned real estate investors, banks and the largest private institutions don’t invest in single family homes or even multi-family properties...they require too much work, too much risk, and too many headaches

Here’s a secret... the largest banks, institutions, and insurance companies have all said the same thing!

Seasoned real estate investors, banks and the largest private institutions don’t invest in single family homes or even multi-family properties...they require too much work, too much risk, and too many headaches

“Discover How To Collect Your First Government-Backed Redemption Check with Secured Double-Digit Returns…

(WITHOUT Buying, Renting, or Fixing a Single Property!)

“Discover How To Collect Your First Government-Backed Redemption Check with Secured Double-Digit Returns…

(WITHOUT Buying, Renting, or Fixing a Single Property!)

Learn what we wish someone had shown us at the beginning of our investment careers...

One of the biggest unknown strategies in investing!

Change isn’t easy.

It takes trial and error and often creates millions of dollars of upfront loss. It induces fear of loss and failure. The uphill battle is why most of us are stuck doing the same thing year over year. I get it.

It’s the reason I spent far too long investing in single family and multi-family projects. It was comfortable, but it was sucking the life out of me and my family. I knew what I wanted... higher returns backed by secured investments without all the work.

Sounds like a magical investment unicorn doesn’t it? But, it’s not!

During the Tax Lien Code event you’re going to learn what we wish someone had shown us at the beginning of our investment career, how to use one of the biggest unknown strategies in investing!

The government created tax lien investing to generate cash for local governments while allowing savvy investors an opportunity to earn state mandated double digit returns secured by real estate!

Are you ready? Click the button below already!

Learn what we wish someone had shown us at the beginning of our investment careers...

One of the biggest unknown strategies in investing!

Change isn’t easy.

It takes trial and error and often creates millions of dollars of upfront loss. It induces fear of loss and failure. The uphill battle is why most of us are stuck doing the same thing year over year. I get it.

It’s the reason I spent far too long investing in single family and multi-family projects. It was comfortable, but it was sucking the life out of me and my family. I knew what I wanted... higher returns backed by secured investments without all the work.

Sounds like a magical investment unicorn doesn’t it? But, it’s not!

During the Tax Lien Code event you’re going to learn what we wish someone had shown us at the beginning of our investment career, how to use one of the biggest unknown strategies in investing!

The government created tax lien investing to generate cash for local governments while allowing savvy investors an opportunity to earn state mandated double digit returns secured by real estate!

Are you ready? Click the button below already!

About Brian Petersen

I was totally burned out and frustrated investing in real estate. Tenants, toilets, vacancies, dealing with contractors, lender headaches, trashed houses, agent hassles, competing with other investors, insurance. I was ready to call it quits for good.

But, by dumb luck, I stumbled into an opportunity that changed my life almost instantly. A simple, low-risk, high-return way to invest where I could get government backed and secured double-digit rates of return on my money...

Without ever buying, renting, wholesaling, or rehabbing, a single property!

Here's the weird part... this way of investing and making money has been around since 1698. And it's used every day by big banks, institutions, pension funds, and the top 1% wealthiest people in America! They all know better than to park their money in low-yield CDs or risk it all in an unpredictable stock market.

I’ve traveled the world teaching real estate investing strategies. I've talked with hundreds-of-thousands of people at financial success seminars, and I've been in the Real Estate Investment industry working with top-dogs for two decades. 

And what I’ve found... it's so crazy... is that most people have never heard of what I’m going to share with you. And that’s a shame because the opportunity to invest with government backed double digit returns has never been greater.

That’s why we’ve created this class, so you can invest in your first tax lien certificate and begin earning government mandated double digit returns secured by real estate!

About Brian Petersen

I was totally burned out and frustrated investing in real estate. Tenants, toilets, vacancies, dealing with contractors, lender headaches, trashed houses, agent hassles, competing with other investors, insurance. I was ready to call it quits for good.

But, by dumb luck, I stumbled into an opportunity that changed my life almost instantly. A simple, low-risk, high-return way to invest where I could get government backed and secured double-digit rates of return on my money...

Without ever buying, renting, wholesaling, or rehabbing, a single property!

Here's the weird part... this way of investing and making money has been around since 1698. And it's used every day by big banks, institutions, pension funds, and the top 1% wealthiest people in America! They all know better than to park their money in low-yield CDs or risk it all in an unpredictable stock market.

I’ve traveled the world teaching real estate investing strategies. I've talked with hundreds-of-thousands of people at financial success seminars, and I've been in the Real Estate Investment industry working with top-dogs for two decades. 

And what I’ve found... it's so crazy... is that most people have never heard of what I’m going to share with you. And that’s a shame because the opportunity to invest with government backed double digit returns has never been greater.

That’s why we’ve created this class, so you can invest in your first tax lien certificate and begin earning government mandated double digit returns secured by real estate!

Discover strategies used by the wealthiest institutions to make better returns than you ever thought possible.

Use the tools, system and inventory Tax Lien Code will show you.

Within a couple hours of work, you can have your very first tax lien certificate.

Discover strategies used by the wealthiest institutions to make better returns than you ever thought possible.

Use the tools, system and inventory Tax Lien Code will show you.

Within a couple hours of work, you can have your very first tax lien certificate.

If you're tired of...

  • Doing it on your own
  • Waiting for your wealth to grow
  • Small rates of return on unsecured assets
  • ​Competing against thousands of investors
  • ​Small profit margins
  • ​Seeing banks and insurance companies profiting on your dime
  • ​Negotiating with tenants, agents, property managers
  • ​Losing money on renovation, insurance and eviction court

It's time for you to...

  • Follow a tested system
  • Watch your capital and retirement accounts grow faster than ever
  • Get double digit returns secured by real estate
  • Get access to inventory that only Tax Lien Code can offer
  • ​Follow a system known only to an exclusive group of savvy investors
  • ​Do all your bidding and purchasing online without talking to a single person!

If you're tired of...

  • Doing it on your own
  • Waiting for your wealth to grow
  • Small rates of return on unsecured assets
  • ​Competing against thousands of investors
  • ​Small profit margins
  • ​Seeing banks and insurance companies profiting on your dime
  • ​Negotiating with tenants, agents, property managers
  • ​Losing money on renovation, insurance and eviction court

It's time for you to...

  • Follow a tested system
  • Watch your capital and retirement accounts grow faster than ever
  • Get double digit returns secured by real estate
  • Get access to inventory that only Tax Lien Code can offer
  • ​Follow a system known only to an exclusive group of savvy investors
  • ​Do all your bidding and purchasing online without talking to a single person!


Contact Us At:
Tax Lien Code 
© 2021. All Rights Reserved | Legal disclaimer: The information contained on this site and our guides are for educational and informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice, nor does it substitute for legal advice. Persons seeking legal advice should consult with legal counsel familiar with their particular situation as laws vary by state.
Contact Us At:
Tax Lien Code 
© 2021. All Rights Reserved | Legal disclaimer: The information contained on this site and our guides are for educational and informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice, nor does it substitute for legal advice. Persons seeking legal advice should consult with legal counsel familiar with their particular situation as laws vary by state.
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